Generix Launches Solochain Now – Packaged Solution to Deploy a Complete SaaS WMS in as Little as 16 weeks View the press release

About Us

Global Leader in the SaaS industry

We’re helping connect businesses together. We’re a global leading software company offering a broad portfolio of SaaS solutions and services in supply chain, finance, commerce, integration and collaboration. We believe in the immense growth potential of the networked economy in a sustainable world.



We put the customer at the center of everything we do. And because we know each business is different, we always tailor our approach to your own requirements by always behaving as your closest trusted advisor. We are value-driven and obsessed by your success.

  • Vision

    Help every business serve any customer in any geography in the most profitable and sustainable manner.

  • Mission

    We are on a mission to digitally connect all businesses together across global value chains.

  • Purpose

    Unlock the combined power of new technologies and data for businesses to best serve your end-customers and grow sustainably in a digital world.

A new innovation chapter

In a market energized by the AI revolution, Generix accelerates its transformation to solidify its position as a leading global player in the cloud market (SaaS).

I am convinced that this new chapter of our company, driven by the revolution of AI and the cloud (Saas), will help fuel the growth of our customers, partners and Generix Group for the years to come.

Raphaël Sanchez
President of Generix Group

30+ years of innovation history

Our team has been pioneering supply chain, invoicing, commerce, integration, collaboration… software and many more breakthrough innovations for more than three decades. Thousands of companies across the globe rely on us each day to best serve their customers and grow sustainably. And we are just getting started on this innovation journey with and for our clients.


Generix SA was founded

Generix Group (originally named Generix SA) was founded in Lille, France, as an ERP software vendor. Even from the beginning, the company had international ambitions. Generix SA became Generix Group in 1995.


Scaling through acquisitions

With the support of its shareholder, Pléiade Investissement, Generix acquired multiple entities, including Ceitel (point-of-sale and loyalty solutions), Influe Illicom (B2B integration and collaborative management solutions), Infolog Solutions (supply chain solutions), GMI Connectivity (EDI solutions) and Sologlobe (North America’s leader in logistics solutions).

2018 – Present

Accelerated international expansion

After opening a service center in Portugal in 2018, Generix created an R&D center in Romania in 2020. In 2022, Montefiore Investment entered the capital structure of the company as a key shareholder and catalyzed its worldwide expansion. In 2023, Generix acquired DDS, a SaaS vendor for supply chain digitization and transport optimization solutions. In 2024, the company continued its expansion by acquiring Keyneo, a software publisher specializing in omnichannel commerce and new retail concepts.

Key Facts about Generix

Worldwide Presence



Strong Client Base



Global Talent



Brisk Revenue Growth


in annual revenue

Our offices

Find an office near you to discuss your projects with our expert teams.


1360 Ropery Street Suite 201 Montreal QC H3K 2X3, Canada
+1 514-938-4562
+1 855-938-4562

United States

2915 Ogletown Road, #3885 Newark, DE 19713, USA
+1 855-938-4562


Headquarters: ARTEPARC – Bât. A 2 rue des Peupliers 59810 Lesquin, France


20 place de la Défense 92800 Puteaux, France


Strada del Fortino, 32 10152 Torino, Italia

Piazza Duca d’Aosta, 14 20124 Milano, Italia
+39 011 07 018 01


Calle Ribera del Loira 8-1028042 Madrid, Spain 
+34 911 898 131


Av. Dr. Francisco Sa Carneiro, n°5, 5° B-C2780-241 Oeiras, Portugal 
+351 214 460 400


Rua Lionesa, 446, Edificio C, Espaços G&H 4465-671 Leça do Balio Matosinhos, Portugal


Maaltecenter Blok G Derbystraat 377 Sint-Denijs-Westrem9051 Belgique, Belgium
+32 9 281 23 98


Rua Artur de Azevedo, 1212 7° andar Pinheiros, São Paulo-SP05404-003, Brazil
+55 11 3032-2387


Calea Turzii, No 74-76 Floor 3, 400193 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
+40 364 100 115


Pettelaarpark 84 5216 PP ‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
+32 9 281 23 98


20/F Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Start your journey now with Generix

Contact us now, our team is ready to help