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March 9, 2022

Automated Data and SOLOCHAIN WMS: Propelling Food and Beverage Organizations into a New Era

As global supply chains are increasing in complexity, and evolving faster than ever before, expectations for heightened agility, speed and efficiencies continue to mount. Facing an immensely competitive landscape, the margin for error and less than optimum response times across the food and beverage sector is now razor thin.


Knowledge is indeed power. To remain globally competitive, as well as gain traction and scale, real-time data will be mission critical to staying nimble, while also propelling performance.

In the warehouse, the use of real-time data is no longer left to companies on the leading edge of digital transformation in operations. According to Gartner, its role in supporting decision-making has made it “the new norm.”

Warehouse Efficiency

Warehouse efficiency is crucial to the supply chain. Automation assists in the timely pick, pack & ship of an item from a warehouse, ensuring a seamless journey to the customer. With the right strategic systems in place, food and beverage companies can effectively address multiple warehouse issues, more quickly and accurately, simplifying complex procedures, and expedite work.

Real-time inventory data with a WMS

In fact, food and beverage leaders around the globe are leveraging technology to manage inventory throughout their warehouses. Having a comprehensive view of inventory on hand, across your supply chain, ensures that you are not overextending logistics costs, or warehousing fees, accumulating dead stock that won’t sell, and/or storing too much inventory in regions where there is not as high of a demand.

According to BizTech, a massive 60 percent of retailers are using a perpetual inventory management strategy. This adoption is leading to smarter decision-making, deeper visibility, and more accurate forecasting.

Accurate inventory management can ensure an accurate flow of items in and out of a warehouse. Naturally, there are many inventory related variables, which include predominantly order processing, picking and packing. Suffice to say this can become very time-consuming with a high propensity for error. Also, accurate inventory management can work to prevent or reduce overstocking, inadequate stock and unexpected stock-outs.

Unlocking the power of a strategic warehouse management system (WMS)

Real-time information from next-generation WMS systems such as SOLOCHAIN WMS provide direct capture of critical data, including batch/lot/serial numbers, expiration dates, and catch weight. This visibility into inventory can take place at receiving, or even before the product arrives on site, and then tracked throughout the complete product lifecycle. By providing greater control over warehouse operations, real-time warehouse management solutions are driving better asset utilization, higher throughput, more efficient utilization of labor, and exceptional on time and accurate order fulfillment.

What makes for good data?

It is crucial for you to be able to rely on real-time quality data to make decisions. How do you determine the quality of a given set of information? Here are some data quality characteristics of which you should be aware.


How it’s measured


Contains no error.


Contains all important and contextual facts.


Low cost of production or acquisition.


Can be used for more than one purpose.


Relationship to the source and method of data collection.


Essential to the decision maker and the decision process.


Easy to understand.


On time, obtained when needed.


Can be checked for correctness.


Easily available to the decision maker and key stakeholders.


Access only available to authorized users.

Responding to real-time data, in real-time

The ultimate value of real-time information comes not from the data per se but rather your capacity and ability to respond to it and apply your learnings in areas of high production or operational density. At Generix, data collection is a key project development pillar when implementing our SOLOCHAIN WMS. The information informs real-time changes across the entire supply chain.

Traditionally, there is an identified standardization of collaborators and various systems which must exist for the data to be decoded and applied to decisions. The ideal is to follow a structure that allows you to be succinct, objective, and proactive.

For example, Chapman’s Ice Cream leveraged real-time data and inventory obtained with SOLOCHAIN WMS to reduce financial risk and nearly eliminate year-end adjustments to inventory. Learn how.

In data strategy development, there are two key areas to effectively apply informed, real-time decisions:

  • Internal – Productivity, quality integration (interface), performance, projections.
  • External – Geopolitics, global finance, climate, route, trends.

And finally, the use of real-time data can more deeply enable your entire food and beverage workforce— from the decentralization of management to the delegation of decision power, generating autonomy and engagement of employees across the company.

Technologies that optimize your data’s ability to accelerate informed decisions

Digitization and automation have been widely recognized as the next wave of technological enablement. Though it is still critical to note that technologies such as the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) networks, flexible production systems (FPS), radio frequency identification (RFID), robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) —all still depend on data integrity in order to deliver powerful data interpretation and greater efficiencies that lead to competitive advantage.

Data-driven automation in the supply chain

Speed is key in all areas of the suppy chain: Data delivery, decision-making, reducing cycle-times, improving operations, and constant innovation.

Gartner predicts supply chain organizations expect the level of machine automation in their supply chain processes to double in the next five years.

From a data-driven perspective, AI and ML are going to be key enablers for intelligent network evolution across the entire supply chain. In fact, they are already showing a monumental impact. By eliminating deep-rooted uncertainties, inefficiencies and uncertainties, they drive enterprise-wide visibility across the supply chain with a level of granularity human beings simply could not keep up with at scale. Additionally, AI in supply chains is helping to deliver the powerful optimization capabilities required for more accurate capacity planning, increased productivity, high quality, reduced costs, and boosted output.

McKinsey shows AI in the retail supply chain reduces forecasting errors by up to 50 percent and prevents inventory reductions at a rate of 20 – 50 percent. Further, AI also supports the sourcing process as well, reducing time-to-market so that companies can deliver solutions more quickly.

Data and the customer

This article from Forbes underscores the importance of real-time information for customer satisfaction. By collecting data from consumers and transmitting it back up the supply chain, AI allows food and beverage companies to respond to consumer need in real-time. From a food and beverage and warehousing perspective, this relates to both the internal and external customer—those within the enterprise and the end consumer—end-to-end across the complete supply chain.

For food and beverage leaders looking to embrace the new era of digital-first warehousing, ensuring that their WMS systems can leverage real-time data will be pivotal to achieving success in an ever-increasingly competitive global marketplace. Here’s why.

How readied are your warehouses for a new era in logistics? Download our practical guide: The Warehouse of the Future to gain insight into key technologies and strategies to dig into in order to capitalize on opportunity well into a new era.

Generix Group North America provides a series of solutions within our Supply Chain Hub product suite to create efficiencies across an entire supply chain. Our solutions are in use around the world and our experience is unparalleled. We invite you to contact us to learn more.

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