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February 2, 2023

[Interview] The Faces of Generix; Three Questions for Luc Larocque, Sales Account Executive at Generix Group North America

Ever since Generix Group has been marketing the SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES in North America, Luc Larocque has been playing a leadership role in the company’s sales team. Luc has helped over fifty companies define their requirements and implement the SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES over the last 11 years—first with Sologlobe, then with Generix Group. Decades of experience working with international high-tech companies have enabled him to deliver exceptional services to customers and prospective companies across a variety of industries. His relentless dedication to excellence and deep knowledge of the solution have opened the door to more profit efficient operations for each and every one of them.


Experts like Luc are precious to companies endeavoring to digitize their distribution center or warehouse. A new Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a big investment. To maximize ROI, it’s crucial that the solution be precisely tailored to the operation’s requirements and delivers on promised efficiencies and capabilities from the moment it goes live. Luc’s expertise and experience are a precious guide for operators looking to achieve just that. Early in the new year, we sat down with Luc Larocque to ask him a few questions.

At the turn of the year, one almost feels compelled to ask: what are the goals, the objectives that you and your team have set for yourselves in 2023?

Many will tell you that 2023 will be the year we finally return to normal after long years of pandemic. In a way, that’s clearly true. At the same time, however, “normal” may not look exactly like it did before Covid. Our clients’ priorities, challenges, and environment have changed. We must adapt to these changes.

For example: while it’s true that labor shortages were already a problem before Covid, the situation has worsened to such an extent that operators simply must explore new solutions. They need the right tools to reduce their dependence on a workforce that’s now so hard to find. That means that they need an ERP system and a WMS, yes, but maybe also an MES, an MRP, a TMS, a new eCommerce platform, etc. And then, they need to implement the right applications to make sure these systems communicate with one another without mistakes and in real time.

Many of the people we speak to are not familiar with these systems and applications. If you add to that the fact that there are more WMS options on the market than ever before, you can imagine how difficult—if not downright scary—it can be for operators to roadmap the way forward.

If we’re going to help our clients transition to a digital warehouse, we need to focus more on educating them to the benefits (and risks) of implementing new systems. That takes time, so we’re adapting our sales and consulting strategies to longer sales cycles.

With more demand for our products and longer sales cycle, we’ll also need to bolster our team! So, another objective for the coming year, then, is to recruit talented salespeople, experts in supply chain management and SCE solutions with deep sector knowledge that will help our customer base in the U.S. discover SOLOCHAIN’s advantages.

Speaking of the American WMS market: how do you envision Generix Group’s future in North America and, more specifically, in the United States?

The future is bright!

Seriously, it’s hard not to get excited about it. The SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES has again made Gartner’s WMS Magic Quadrant last year. We have a fantastic product, it’s getting the recognition it should, and more and more people are finding out about it. I’ve been in this game for a long time, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so motivated to get out there.

At the same time, Generix Group’s foothold in North America is getting more and more solid. We’re developing new partnerships with consulting companies, implementation partners, and other players in the SCE technology field. We’re also putting a lot of efforts into making ourselves more visible on the market: we’ve hired new supply chain experts across the U.S. who really understand the reality of distributors, retailers, and manufacturers in their region. And it works: our network is growing fast.

If I have one wish for the future, it’s that we’ll continue to develop our sales tools (e.g., improving our website, open new offices in the U.S., etc.) to further increase Generix Group’s visibility in the North American market.

You’ve mentioned that the WMS market is more competitive than ever. You’ve also said that prospects for the SOLOCHAIN WMS/MES have never been so exciting. Can you tell us what sets SOLOCHAIN apart from other solutions? Why should American companies turn to Generix Group for their next WMS?

If you read Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, you’ll see that all the WMS solutions included in the report do a great job of supporting basic core WMS capabilities. It’s not every solution, however, that offers extended functionalities—which is something that SOLOCHAIN does very well with its fully integrated MES capabilities, for example.

Where WMS solutions really differ, however, are in factors like usability, adaptability, and scalability. Now, these are dimensions in which SOLOCHAIN particularly excels. Whether you look at its implementation tools, its low-code editors, or super easy-to-use interfaces, SOLOCHAIN ranks at the top of its category every time.

We may not be the biggest WMS provider out there, but the truth is that the vast majority of companies don’t need the very expensive solutions from mega-vendors. Unless you’re running a fully automated environment, with robots running up and down the DC’s aisles, SOLOCHAIN should absolutely be at the top of your shortlist. We have an amazing team here, people who care and are fully invested in our clients’ success.

To learn more about the SOLOCHAIN Warehouse Management System/Manufacturing Execution System, visit the Generix Group SOLOCHAIN WMS page or download the SOLOCHAIN WMS Product Sheet.

Download our Guide to the Warehouse of the Future.

About Generix Group North America Generix Group North America provides a series of solutions to create efficiencies across an entire supply chain. Our solutions are in use around the world and our experience is second-to-none. We invite you to contact us to learn more.

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