Generix partners with VISEO to help customers navigate complex e-invoicing regulations and optimize digital transformation journeys View the press release

B2B Collaboration, e-Invoicing, Supply Chain
March 31, 2017

[News brief] What to expect from a first-rate collaborative platform?

In today’s increasingly multi-channel and global supply chain an integrated and collaborative platform is the way forward. A collaborative platform is an innovative solution that covers electronic exchanges and collaborations on a multi-company level. Supporting existing EDI/B2B interfaces, a collaborative platform is a tool that has been designed to make the most out of productivity, agility, and data extraction and management in a collaborative environment.

With this in mind, companies evaluating different IT solutions are looking for certain fundamental attributes that these innovative platforms can add to their business. Not surprisingly, the most sought-after attributes include an “easy” and secure system that can be up and running in no time at all.


Rapid and at a low cost

An ideal solution would be a system that can be designed and deployed quickly, and at a low cost. Our recent IDC survey shows that at least 72% of respondents are looking for a solution that has a low-cost deployment for multi-enterprise interfaces. This shows how businesses see the importance of allocating their IT budget in an intelligent manner, looking for one system that can reconcile all different applications used on one platform, accessible to all in a single click. 67% of respondents are also looking for a system that can be quickly deployed, basically implying that there should be no downtime during deployment. The speed of today’s market and the sheer amount of competition mean that companies do not have the time nor the money to spend on large IT system changes. Any new solution deployed needs to be able to hit the ground running.

Easy to use and secure

Other important attributes are that a system must be easy to use as well as secure. 70% of our survey respondents are looking for usability for all business users: an intuitive platform that even those less familiar with technology have no problem using, and that ensures higher productivity all around. 85% of respondents have a clear expectation that any platform chosen will be extremely secure and provide clear data protection methods.

All-in-all, a great collaborative platform needs to be quick to deploy, easy to use and secure, and low-priced both in deployment and maintenance.

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