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December 7, 2021

E-commerce: boost your year-end sales by personalizing the customer experience

Personalizing your website, offers and communications is a key strategy to boost your conversion rate and sales. It’s no surprise that customers, overwhelmed with promotional offers and information, are more attentive when you offer them something that precisely meets their needs and desires. This is also the key to customer satisfaction. And a satisfied customer is a loyal customer!


Leveraging your data, the key to personalization

No personalization without a full use of your sales data: purchase and browsing history, comments on products, interactions with customer service… Thanks to them, you are able to personalize the customer experience through targeted recommendations, special offers or an individualized path. Note that only by analyzing customer behavior in real time you can recommend products that exactly match the customer’s needs at that moment. By taking advantage of recent browsing data and the contents of the current shopping cart, it is possible to suggest other items that the customer might like. And if the offer is sufficiently attractive and well targeted, it can induce FOMO (fear of missing out) and lead to a purchase.

Welcoming new customers

If personalization will necessarily be less advanced for new customers, it is not impossible provided you are equipped with the right tools. Indeed, you can capitalize on your sales trends: highlight your best-sellers or products generally associated with an order. You can also capitalize on the opinions of verified buyers because there is no better ambassador than a satisfied customer. To go further, you can also segment this new clientele by the device used to access your site (mobile, computer, tablet, …) but also operating system, web browser … to identify your trends more precisely and thus better address their needs, from the first visit.

For customers who would have remained at the stage of purchase intention, leaving your website while their cart is full, do not hesitate to follow up by personalized email, again by offering them, for example, price reductions on products included in their cart or other related products (to do, depending on the case, upselling or cross-selling).

Prospect in a personalized way

The same work can be done further upstream, on the field of prospecting: go and reach your potential customers on their favorite channels. Their attention is over-solicited, so you need to stand out and get noticed. The era of mass communication, of one size fits all, is over. Instead, talk to your different types of customers on their preferred media: social networks, sms, emails… Often, a mix of channels will be necessary.

Rewarding loyal customers

Your VIP and historical customers deserve personalized treatment more than others: offer them exclusive deals, preferential rates, a sneak peek of your upcoming promotions or privileged access. Also set up a countdown on your site – coupled with reminders via email, social media… – to create a sense of urgency.

Think omnichannel

Only an omnichannel marketing strategy, thought as a coherent whole, i.e. a set of unified channels, allows a real personalization of the customer link. To achieve optimal efficiency, this strategy requires significant planning, which implies adapting to the demands. Thanks to the data collected and the global vision provided by your omnichannel strategy, you will be able to adapt your stocks, for example best-sellers, to trends and forecasts. You will then be able to manage order peaks more easily.

Anticipate upcoming sales highlights

Take advantage of these key periods to gather as much data as possible about your customers and visitors. The more complete this data is, the more you will be able to have a 360-degree view on each of your customers, and thus enrich the relationship you have with them.

Are you looking for a tool that can use your data to personalize your offers, help you manage an omnichannel marketing strategy, or work to build customer loyalty? Discover the Generix Omnichannel Sales (OCS) solution

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