Rexel Italy boosts its intralogistics performance with Generix WMS View the press release

August 18, 2022

Logistics transport: 5 advantages of a TMS to reduce your environmental footprint

Responsible for 31% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, transport is the most polluting activity, according to (FR). In more detail, 94% of these emissions are due to road transport, 44% of which are attributable to heavy goods vehicles and light commercial vehicles alone. Professionals therefore have an essential role to play in reducing their carbon footprint. To do so, they can rely on TMS like Generix Group’s: these transport management tools allow to reconcile ecological imperatives and business issues. Discover precisely 5 of their assets.


1. Optimize the loading rate and the distance traveled

Improving the loading rate, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and optimizing the distance travelled to deliver: three objectives that Generix Group’s TMS makes it possible to achieve by intervening in several decisive stages:

  • Knowledge of loading volumes: the solution offers a complete vision of the pre-loading stages, particularly during order preparation and warehouse management. The carrier can thus calculate precisely the volumes to be loaded according to various metrics (length, number of pallets, etc.).
  • Vehicle loading: this knowledge of the goods to be transported enables loading to be optimized and empty transport to be limited. Combined with a 3D visualization tool, the solution helps to perfect the loading thanks to additional data (weight of each unit to be transported, compatibility of goods, etc.).
  • Defining routes: Generix TMS is able to propose different routes in order to optimize the distance covered, while taking into account the constraints (drivers’ working time, delivery deadlines, nature of the roads, etc.).
  • Limiting empty returns: the TMS can also capitalize on the recovery of pallets and goods, at different stages of the journey, to reduce empty returns of vehicles. This logistical efficiency can be further improved, in particular through partnerships with third parties (competitors for example) in a logic of mutualization.

2. Choose the most efficient modes of transportation

By default, an order is routed from point A to point B with a single vehicle. However, it is possible to combine different modes of transport to optimize the routing according to several criteria (environment, cost, time, etc.). Problem: this can make logistics more complex. Generix’s TMS allows to add load break points and to control all the different transport stages. Several means can be implemented:

  • pre-loading goods with full trucks, before dispatching them on lighter vehicles;
  • opt for modal transfer to choose the most appropriate mode of transport at each stage (heavy goods vehicle, utility, train, bicycle, etc.).
  • use a cross-docking platform, a just-in-time order preparation logistics method that avoids the storage stage;
  • use an urban distribution platform to improve the last delivery stage.

3. Select the carrier with a multi-criteria analysis

It is not always possible to have all the information about the different means of transport and therefore about their CO2 emissions. To remedy this, Generix Group’s TMS gives you access to data collected from carriers, especially during previous deliveries. This information base allows the company to select the right carrier according to its objectives, based on a multi-criteria analysis. It takes into account:

  • quantitative criteria: cost of transport and commitment to take charge of volumes;
  • qualitative criteria, including eco-responsible standards;
  • compliance with commitments (delivery times, cost, etc.).

4. Measuring and analyzing environmental performance

Thanks to Generix TMS, the company can draw up an accurate carbon balance from the operational, forecast and actual data provided. It also has access to the Datapower dashboard, with more than 100 performance indicators (KPI), to analyze the transport activity according to several criteria:

  • CO2 emissions ;
  • the cost of transportation ;
  • delivery time;
  • or the error rate.

With all this data, the company can improve its activity on the first 3 levers by identifying the perfectible facets of its activity. These can for example depend on :

  • the typology of the flows ;
  • the nature of the goods ;
  • the regionality;
  • the partners.

5. Reduce the impact of digital solutions

Rarely taken into account, digital tools can also have an impact on the carbon footprint of companies in the transport sector. To limit this impact, Generix has adopted an eco-design policy for its digital solutions, and in particular for its TMS

  • SaaS Public Cloud mode, allowing to take advantage of the efforts made by the major publishers (powering servers with solar panels for example);
  • serverless solutions that only work – and therefore only consume energy – when they are used;
  • a multi-tenant environment allowing a set of clients to connect to the same ecosystem;
  • virtuous practices: favouring less energy-consuming languages, avoiding unnecessary animations, etc.

Sources : Greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector (FR) – – 2022

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