Valérie Berjonneau is a lawyer in labour law, sociologist and has a Master in international relations. In 1999, she moved to the Balkans to work on reconstruction projects (for NGOs and international organisations). In 2008, she moved back to France and developed international HR projects in the transport and engineering sector (SNCF, Systra).
In 2014, Valérie Berjonneau was nominated Human Resources Director at Lazard France before joining Banque Chaabi du Maroc as Human Resources Director for Europe, where she was responsible for harmonising the European HR policy, particularly in terms of skills development. In addition, Valérie Berjonneau teaches Human Resources at the HR Master 2 of Celsa (Sorbonne University).
As Director of Human Resources for Generix Group since July 2020, Valérie Berjonneau’s priority is to make Generix’s human resources international and agile in order to support the group’s development. The level of excellence important to the company and its customers is inseparable from that of their skills; and by the end of 2021, 100 new talents should be joining the Generix Group teams, which are already made up of 750 experts, more than half of whom are outside France.
“Valérie Berjonneau is passionate about human relations and international projects. Her experience, her vision and also her ambitions for the future of our company will enable Generix Group to develop the best of its employees’ potential and guarantee the excellence of their expertise for the benefit of our customers’ performance“, says Aïda Collette-Sène, Generix Group’s CEO.