EUROLogin2020 is a European consortium coordinated by the University of Valencia in Spain (via IRTIC, Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies) and composed of EDI/B2B services operators: Nubilaria in Italy, headON in the Netherlands and Generix Group in France. Generix Group’s application to join the EUROLogin2020 consortium has also received the support of the “Direction Interministérielle du Numérique”, one of the Prime Minister’s departments in France.
The project is part of the European Commission’s “Connecting Europe Facility” program to support the digital single market and cross-border mobility. The approach is based on European interoperability standards, including those imposed on member states by the eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and trust Services) regulation. Its principle is based on the mutual recognition of digital identifiers between the eIDAS nodes that must be deployed within the 27 Member States.
Thanks to this program, Generix Group will offer its customers national digital identifiers (eID) that can be used on its services as well as on a cross-border scale. Generix Group’s SaaS services will integrate the technologies of the European Digital Services Infrastructure (eID DSI) and will be connected to the French eIDAS node.
“Thanks to these innovations, Generix Group will enable its customers to use the new digital identification and authentication standards ahead of time. Users of our services will benefit from facilitated interoperability while increasing their digital security and complying with regulatory constraints,” says Christophe Viry, Generix Group Product Marketing Manager.
Note: For more information on the CEF and INEA programs, visit INEA ceased its activities on March 31, 2021. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) was created on April 1, 2021 to take over its inherited portfolio and other EU funding programs. NB: The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Generix Group. It does not engage the responsibility of the European Union.