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December 9, 2013

Nature & Découvertes rolls out mobile payments on tablets with Generix Group

Paris, 9 December 2013 – In its shops, designed as “atypical venues for those with a curious nature”, Nature & Découvertes aims to give its customers a unique experience, awakening the imagination and stimulating the senses. As they wander through the shop, they discover a unique array of surprising, attractive, original and meaningful products. In these areas rich in discoveries and innovation, Nature & Découvertes wants each visit to surprise and delight customers. This is why the company is updating the payment process in its shops, thanks to the use of a mobile payment tablet created by Generix Group, editor of collaborative software for retail.

Press release

Nature & Découvertes was already using the Generix Collaborative Customer (GCC) payment and store operating solution, which optimizes comfort and productivity at the point of payment. It tested this new connected payment system on customers in pilot stores in shopping malls in the Greater Paris region (including Vélizy 2). The tests were conclusive and so in April, the brand equipped a shop in Bègles with the system. It is planned to implement the system in all Nature & Découvertes shops in 2015.

“Sales staff can now see the entire catalog on a tablet in the customer’s presence, connect to the customer’s loyalty account, and view the brand’s latest news. But the innovation doesn’t stop there, because once the customer has made their choice, they no longer have to queue up to pay! Sales staff can scan the product with the tablet, take payment by bank card and print the receipt without going through the till”, explains Josselin Ollier, Director of Information Systems at Nature & Découvertes.

“Providing innovative services is a priority so that we can continue to offer customers a unique experience. After sensorial marketing, store concepts focused on demonstrations, the growing popularity of our e-commerce site, Click & Reserve and Click & Collect services and tablets promoting Store-to-Web, Nature & Découvertes is continuing to develop its cross-channel system with mobile payments”, explains Patrick Lerigner, Managing Director of Nature & Découvertes.

The Generix Collaborative Customer cross-channel platform allows distributors to connect to the existing back office (CRM, ERP, BI, etc.) to carry out promotion, loyalty and sales actions in real-time and in a homogeneous manner on all front-office applications (payment, web sites, mobile devices, social networks, etc.). GCC Promotion improves customer satisfaction by offering, throughout the shopping experience, different bespoke advantages to encourage the impulse to buy. Generix Group provides its GCC Loyalty service to retailers to optimize the conversion of consumers into loyal customers by offering more bespoke advantages, and a program to win and use loyalty points. The promotion and loyalty rules can be pooled between several companies in the same group: loyalty points, money-off coupons, gift cards, loyalty cheques, etc.

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Nature & Découvertes rolls out mobile payments on tablets with Generix Group

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